min read
Published on
March 6, 2024
A little round-up of some of our insights + facts in the proptech sector. Where in the world do we see interesting developments, what are the trends and what technologies are being adopted, and why?
It is a journey towards competitive distinction.
When “technology” is reframed as “competitive distinction”, it ceases to be viewed as an adversary and starts to be seen as a strategic partner.
The primary obstacle, for Real Estate in particular, is the notion that technology is a costly imposition.
For those companies expecting to thrive in the new conditions now facing the sector, there is no other way to say it than you simply MUST immerse yourselves in technological advancement.
It’s not about digital;
It’s about profitability, sustainability, risk mitigation and brand reputation (!).
Many talk about "future of real estate" or "digital transformation" but it is pointless to source tech without an ROI.
There are over 18,000 property technologies currently servicing Real Estate.
We have visibility on all of these start-ups, at a very granular level.
You cannot be expected to know them all, so unburden yourself by aligning with someone who does.
And...most importantly make sure to increase the likelihood of successful technology onboarding.